Tri-County Builders donates materials and time to build a new sand box at Country Elementary School in Pinckney.

In the Spring of 2022, Casie Childs of Tri-County Builders was sitting in as a volunteer member of a Country Elementary School PTO meeting. Under discussion was the urgent need to replace the sandbox used by students at Country Elementary.  “The sandbox had literally turned into a pit” recalls Childs who has nine-year-old Sawyer in the third grade and four-year-old Scout in preschool.


Anxious to improve the playing conditions for all members of Country Elementary, Casie, and husband Chris and the team from Tri-County Builders designed and built a 12’ x 16’ covered sandbox in just a week’s time. The kids were playing and enjoying the sandbox that August.


Now up to ten children can play at the same time in the womanized wood structure with a metal-covered roof. This sandbox is built to last for generations of children.


All of the labor and the majority of the materials were donated by Tri-County Builders.


As a special footnote, there was a need to replenish the sand by the Fall of 2022 so Tri-County returned and replenished the sandbox with a fresh five yards of sand.  All of this was donated by Tri-County Builders.